The Jennifer Aniston, John Mayer romance and subsequent breakup can teach freelance writers a thing or two.
Like actors and musicians, freelance writers struggle to land the next gig. Actors --even Jennifer Aniston in some cases -- have to constantly audition. Freelance writers have to constantly query. Acting is synonymous with being broke; freelance writing is also (only we're not broke, we "struggle").
Jennifer Anniston, John Mayer and Lessons in Freelance Writing
Jennifer Aniston Media Blitz: Whomever Ms. Aniston dates seems to bring out the shutterbugs. But, when she hooks up with someone famous (eg, Vince Vaughn (Vaughniston)) or John Mayer, the glaring light of the media is white hot.
The Jennifer Aniston lesson for freelance writers: Write in niches that are red hot. Technical writing and SEO copywriting are two that come to mind.
Jennifer Aniston Work Ethic: No matter what seems to be happening with Jennifer, she always seems to be headed right into her next project. From the outside looking in, I see that as proof that she doesn't get distracted by what's going in her personal life.
The Jennifer Aniston lesson for freelance writers: Remain professional at all times. Outside of illness (you, your loved ones) there's rarely a good excuse for missing a client deadline. You must remain professional to keep your career on track. Missing a deadline because you were up crying half the night and fighting with your boyfriend is no excuse. Client deadlines should always be met.